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Blizzlet: Hearthstone

Apr 27, 2018

The boys are finally all back together! Well almost... Daniel (Stormraige23), Jack (Maione), and Lord Gribas (@LordGribas) all get together for some good quality goofs and medium quality Hearthstone content. This week they discuss Daniel's struggle to hit legend, Ben Brode leaving the Hearthstone team, Quest Rogue, how...

Apr 20, 2018

This week Daniel (Stormraige23) and Lord Gribas (@lordgribas) are joined by the incredible @Ridiculoushat. We discuss briefly what we have been playing in the witchwood... hat answers questions you've been dying to ask and Daniel finds a new scale to rate puns. This might be the most ridiculous episode we've ever had.

Apr 13, 2018

Jack (@maionegames) couldn't make it this week so Daniel (@Stormraige23_hs) and Lord Gribas (@lordgribas) are joined by a very special Botticus (@Botticushs). With a whole hour (sometimes less) of the expansion we feel pretty confident in knowing exactly what the meta will be (but we don't)... It's silly as always...

Apr 6, 2018

This week Daniel (@stormraige23), Gribas (@lordgribas) and Jack (Maionegames) are joined this week by Eve (@Loremastereve)! This week Daniel has an exciting announce about the United Hearthstone League, we discuss lots of new cards, some history and lore of Gilneas, and an awesome interview with the coolest Loremaster...