Nov 26, 2021
This week the crew spends a long time discussing all the things we've missed over the past two weeks! Starting with the horrible (yet predictable news) about ABK and Fucking Bobby K....
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
Nov 12, 2021
This week the boys spend a lot of time talking about the card game Inscryption, the most recent MTG release set to come out very soon, and then briefly touch on Hearthstone... but just barely...
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
Nov 5, 2021
How many Lord of the Rings references can you spot in the show?? I count AT LEAST FOUR! That's... probably it... We spend a bunch of time talking about the newest earnings call for Blizzard Activision, the update from the Mercenaries team, and we finally discuss the rest of the Deadmines Cards!
Logo Created By: Nate...