Dec 30, 2017
Daniel (Stormraige23_HS), Jack (Maionegames) and Gribas (LordGribas), all sit down by the Hearth to discuss the most recent Hearthstone news. We discuss the latest top tier decks, reminisce about silly times that we had over the holidays, and discuss what our New Years Resolutions are for Hearthstone... Here's a...
Dec 22, 2017
Daniel (@Stormraige23_hs), Gribas (@LordGribas) and Jack (@Maionegames), are all back for another week of hilarity. We discuss how Daniel accidentally started a twitter trend #payitforward, what meta decks have been the most successful, Gribas has a rant about rogues, and we share the top five things that we're thankful...
Dec 17, 2017
Daniel (stormraige23_hs), Jack (MaioneGames), and Gribas (LordGribas) discuss some tips and tricks for how to beat those pesky dungeon runs! We finally give you some decks that you should try if you want to climb the ladder and as always there's plenty of dirty jokes and swear words. Come and join us won't you?
Dec 9, 2017
Daniel (@Stormraige_23), Jack (@Maionegames), and Gribas (@LordGribas) are all hyped AF for this expansion. We give our WAY TOO EARLY picks on the cards that will most define the meta. Mostly it's just us freaking out about how cool the new expansion is and how horrible jack is for not loving every second of it. It's...
Dec 1, 2017
Daniel (@stormraige23_HS) has some good news and bad news. The good news... GRIBAS (@LordGribas) HAS RETURNED! The bad news... Jack (@maionegames) is gone... the other good news... WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST!!! That's right Spivey (@Spyvrr) of #1600dust joins us on the show to talk card reveals, dirty jokes, and an in...