Mar 30, 2018
Daniel (Stormraige23_HS), Jack (Maionegames), and Lord Gribas (LordGribas) are back at it again for another very silly week. This week we may some bold claims about upcoming cards, argue about how to correctly open a show, why Daniel isn't hyped enough, and what are the best things to look for in this coming year! This...
Mar 23, 2018
The boys are back at it again. Daniel (@Stormraige23_hs), Jack (Maionegames) and Gribas (@lordgribas) all are back for a good old time. We discuss the newly revealed cards... some HOT news... and Daniel experiences sadness... old age... and erectile dysfunction. It's another glorious episode you won't want to miss.
Mar 16, 2018
Daniel (Stormraige23_hs), Jack (Maionegames), and Gribas (Lord Gribas) discuss the brand new expansion Witchwood! We also have a very special guest as suggested by Rob from Velen's Chosen. This week gets rather crazy as we start without Jack... and then END WITHOUT DANIEL!
Special Guest: ???
News and Notes: Card...
Mar 9, 2018
Daniel (Stormraige23) Lord Gribas, and Jack (Maione) Johnson are back and in full force! This week we make a correction about Hall of Fame cards and whether or not to craft them, we discuss the upcoming arena changes, Miracle Rogue, Which Arena Cards we're most excited for, and which Hearthstone card would make the...
Mar 2, 2018
The boys are back in town! Daniel (Stormraige23_hs), Jack (maionegames), and Lord Gribas have all returned to the pack! This week we discuss the brand new YEAR OF THE RAVEN!!! What to do with Hall of Fame Cards? What cards are important enough to get their own year? How bad has Daniel been doing in this weeks Tavern...