Dec 28, 2018
This week the boys are joined by the incredible Saucy Mailman from Into The Wild podcast and as your neighborhood saucy mailman... but not THAT saucy mailman. This week we discuss the nerfs and their impact on the meta, our returned thoughts to rumble run, and we try to find a metaphor that helps explain...
Dec 21, 2018
While Daniel is out of town we give you just a glimpse of what the future reviews that Jack and Daniel are going to do will look like. This week? We take a look at Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
Dec 14, 2018
This week Daniel (Stormraige23), Jack, and Ted all discuss the newest addition to the game in Rastakahn's Rumble Run! Spoiler it's pretty flipping great but doesn't have quite enough content to satisfy at least one of our hosts... we will warn you this one comes with a double parental advisory because things get...
Dec 7, 2018
This week Jack is very excited about the video game awards and it's nearly impossible to get him to talk about anything else.... So this week we discuss that Joker is in Smash... The Game of the Year... oh yeah and we eventually talk about Hearthstone. We talk about the enjoyment we are having overall and some of the...