Jan 29, 2021
This week Stormraige, OlTeddo, and Loremaster Eve are joined by Enthralimund from the Squelch podcast! We discuss some gross ass combos, what game mode we want most in Hearthstone, and how these stocks are going no where but up.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
Jan 22, 2021
Stormraige, OleTeddo, and LoremasterEve are joined by Daring Alkaline of the Doctor 3 podcast discuss whether or not a resizing pouch can be considered a driver. They also talk about all the new cards, but most of it is about a bag being a driver.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
Jan 15, 2021
The year in review is quite a trip down memory lane. We discuss some of the forgotten cards, cards we wished had seen more play, and some standouts from the year. It's a wild wild year in Hearthstone.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
Jan 8, 2021
This week Stormraige, Loremaster Eve, and OlTeddo discuss all sorts of things... somewhat close to Hearthstone... but not quite Hearthstone.
If you are not interested in our quick takes on the recent media you can go ahead and skip to 9:53.
We talk about Uther and the solo adventure! We spend a lot of time with Uther....