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Blizzlet: Hearthstone

Feb 25, 2022

This week Ted and Eve are both busy playing the latest release of Destiny! So Stormraige has gathered JustaGuy and Dan0 to join him for this very special episode of Blizzlet

Feb 18, 2022

This week Stormraige, Eve, and OlTeddo all cover the latest cards in The Lair of Onyxia! Sure all the cards have been rated already... but have you heard them rated on how many bonks a card deserves? Cause that's what we do. Hearthstone is never ready for what we have to give.

Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

Theme Song By:...

Feb 11, 2022

This week Stormraige, Eve, and Ted all discuss the newest set of Onyxia's Lair! And by that of course we mean that we barely talk about the cards... BUT we have a review on the newest trailer song and talk about our favorite musicals at the current moment... and eventually do go "beyond the Hearth" to talk about what...

Feb 4, 2022

This week the gang all talk about the newest Lunar New Year Patch and Eve just DROPS the quest line? Stormraige can't even do it... and Ted's already finished. They play a new game called "Is that a real card?" It's all a blast. It's Hearthstone gone wrong in all the right ways.


Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

Theme Song...